The Slackbow Product Review

product reviews

health & fitness product reviews

Product Reviews

Stephen Jepson’s  video reviews on The Slackbow, The Flicker C3 Carver, and The Anchor Point.

Here Stephen Jepson evaluates, critiques, and reviews exercise and balance training toys and equipment.

From time to time, Stephen Jepson will review health and wellness industry related products. Here are a few.

health & fitness product reviews

The Slackbow Product Review

In this short video he demonstrates a remarkable balance training device called the “Slack Bow” which was designed and built by Jim Klopman. Stephen describes the Slack Bow as very effective at helping one achieve superior balance.

The Flicker C3 Carver Review

Stephen Jepson evaluates, critiques, and reviews exercise and balance training toys and equipment.  In this video, Stephen reviews The Flicker C3 Carver product.

The Anchor Point Training Review

In this video, The Anchor Point Training Review.  Chris Severs and Stephen Jepson having fun Anchor Point Training in the playground with some FORCEbands.

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Amazing idea

May 5, 2022

I am amazed by your idea and using your techniques I’m trying to train my mother who has movement and balance issue due to a brain stroke and trying to help her build new neuropaths and she is very hopeful after watching these videos.

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