
Activate your mind & body with brain games & exercises that make you feel young. Never Leave the Playground is a program of activities that stimulates the growth of the brain and body by specific training of the hands and feet. My method has two goals: to promote good health and to have fun.

Foster Joy & Intellectual Challenge & Individuality & Curiosity

Foster Joy & Intellectual Challenge & Individuality & Curiosity A Thought from Stephen Jepson I took the photograph as a record of the very meager little beard I grew  onMonday, November 1 2021. I want to foster joy, intellectual challenge, individuality, curiosity, and other ideas in my audiences. My words create healthy pursuits and practices that contribute

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Diagnosis & Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease

Diagnosis & Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Play Stephen with the Parkinson’s Outreach Centers Group The Diagnosis & Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease is not an exact diagnosis every time.  Parkinson’s disease stages vary.   My program can help. Through play, the brain can actually grow new brain cells, and is that helpful with Parkinson’s? I am

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Parkinson’s Disease Causes, Stages, Symptoms & Treatment

Parkinson’s disease causes Parkinson’s disease symptoms & treatments Some questions we may have, about Parkinson’s disease. (especially those of us who are older).What are the Parkinson’s disease symptoms? What is Parkinson’s disease? What are Parkinson’s disease causes? What type of Parkinson’s disease treatment may be available. The article I found from The Mayo Clinic is

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