
Activate your mind & body with brain games & exercises that make you feel young. Never Leave the Playground is a program of activities that stimulates the growth of the brain and body by specific training of the hands and feet. My method has two goals: to promote good health and to have fun.

Stephen at the 20th International Design Camp Kolding Design School in Kolding Denmark November 2013

The Kolding Design School in Kolding Denmark & The University of Copenhagen near by. You Can Improve Your Memory & Become More Creative with My Program. Start to Grow New Brain Cells right away. Author: Stephen JepsonLocation: Kolding Denmark Designcamp Kolding Design SchoolDate: November 2013 The Kolding Design School in Kolding Denmark & The University of

Stephen at the 20th International Design Camp Kolding Design School in Kolding Denmark November 2013 Read More »

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