Thoughts From Stephen

Swim across Spirit Lake 59 years after his first swim in 1957

Spirit Lake Iowa Record Swim Great Weather Healthy Videos Featured Here. With My Program, You Can Grow New Brain Cells. My Videos will help you to Loose Weight Without Exercising. The videos are here, and are available for immediate access Swam a mile yesterday    Saturday May 28, 2016.  The last time I swam a

Swim across Spirit Lake 59 years after his first swim in 1957 Read More »

Stephen Jepson from Never Leave The Playground having a little fun at 75 years of age.

Sudoku,lumosity, and crossword puzzles good for your overall physical health?  I don’t think so. And modern research says these things do not contribute to your overall physical health.  The best brain training is physical. The most beneficial for your brain brain is motor skill training.  Sudoku trains you to be better at doing sudoku.Luminosity trains

Stephen Jepson from Never Leave The Playground having a little fun at 75 years of age. Read More »

Balancing with Balls on a Bongo Board – Learn To Balance Balls On A Bongo Board & Improve Your Memory.

Hello Everyone, I wanted to share this with you: You Can Improve Your Memory with this fun activity. A delightful way to train your hands and feet to be quicker and more accurate. This will do it without fail. Go slow – get better at each step along the way and maybe someday you will

Balancing with Balls on a Bongo Board – Learn To Balance Balls On A Bongo Board & Improve Your Memory. Read More »

brain neuroplasticity exercises

I am not a leader. I am merely indicating what I believe to be the path To Better Health.

Follow The Leader & Become The Leader- Keep Your Brain Sharp – Helping People on Their Path to Better Health November 8, 2015 Helping people on their path to better health. The Path To Better Health & Keep Your Brain Sharp.  I was sitting thinking about my role in helping people to become more adept

I am not a leader. I am merely indicating what I believe to be the path To Better Health. Read More »

Enriching the brain and body with this fun “Step Over” video.

Do you want to  Become More Creative & Enjoy Better Health? I wanted to share this with you: Enriching the brain and body with this fun “Step Over” video. Stay agile, nimble, and surefooted with this fun “step over”.  Enriching the brain and body. A life long way that contributes to an agile, nimble, and

Enriching the brain and body with this fun “Step Over” video. Read More »

2015 Balloon Festival Albuquerque, New Mexico combined with emergency surgery.

Each year around the end of September and the first week in October I go visit my sister Sandra in New Mexico. We share wonderful times at these annual get-togethers. I arrived in New Mexico on September 30 this year. We go to the Frontier restaurant and have breakfast – regardless of the time of

2015 Balloon Festival Albuquerque, New Mexico combined with emergency surgery. Read More »

Stephen Jepson returns to his old stomping grounds. Central high school in Sioux City Iowa – The Castle On The Hill. Sioux City

Central high school in Sioux City Iowa – The Castle On The Hill. Sioux City has quite a lovely public museum and that was one of our visits. The week before last (labor day weekend) I attended an all school reunion for Central high school in Sioux City, Iowa.  My school was called the ”

Stephen Jepson returns to his old stomping grounds. Central high school in Sioux City Iowa – The Castle On The Hill. Sioux City Read More »

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